County Residents Against Annexation (CRAA) is a 501c3 public charity based in Monroe County, Indiana. Our mission is to educate, involve, organize, and represent county residents’ needs and desires during ongoing involuntary annexation attempts by the City of Bloomington. We are a nonpartisan, nonpolitical organization that exists to help property owners to protect the investments they have made in their properties; to be able to continue to afford to remain where they currently live; and to express their community vision for Monroe County. We do this by helping residents through the very complex remonstration and litigation processes—and we need your help!

We’re raising funds so property owners in annexation areas can be represented and heard.
Your donation is tax-deductible, and donors giving less than $4,990 may remain anonymous. You can donate via Pay Pal or mail donations to:
County Residents Against Annexation (CRAA)
P.O. Box 5774
Bloomington, IN 47407
Have questions? Want to get involved? Email us at hello@craa.in.
View our Privacy Policy.